Emergency Services
Oregon Wing Emergency Services
Updated 04/21/2024
The National Operations Center (NOC) can be reached via voice 24/7 at 888-211-1812 ext 300, via email at OPSCENTER@CAPNHQ.GOV and via fax at 800-555-7902.
The Oregon Wing on-duty Alerting Officer can be reached at 866-ORWGSAR (866-679-4727). ORWG Duty Roster
Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC) (800) 851-3051
Contact the ORWG Emergency Services Directorate
- Emergency Services Staff
- Announcements
- Notices
- Handling CAP Member Reports of Actual ELT Signals
- Scheduled Training and Exercise Events
- Presentations
- ES Officer Orientation
- ORWG Wing Conference ES Sessions
- Emergency Services Links
- Oregon Wing TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) ORWG TTP Index
Emergency Services Staff
- Director - Lt Col David Rudawitz
- Assistant Director - Capt Patrick Wineman
- Assistant Director - Lt Col Tim Paquin
- Assistant Director - Capt Bart Bradish
- Assistant Director - 1Lt Ricky Flowers
- Area Assistant Director - Capt Nani Blyleven (Eugene, Grants Pass, High Desert, Klamath Falls, and Medford)
- Training Officer - Lt Col Tim Paquin
- Disaster Relief Officer - Vacant
- Search and Rescue Officer - Vacant
- IC Duty Roster December 2023
- ORWG ES Distribution List address list
We have also spread out the workload for ES Training by assigning ES Training Officers to logical groupings of ES qualifications. For assistance in the development, planning, and delivery of ES training, contact the appropriate ES Training Officer.
Here are those assignments:
- Air Crew (MP, TMP, MO, MS, and AP) – Capt Bart Bradish, 1Lt Ricky Flowers
- Base Staff/Overhead – Lt Col David Rudawitz, Capt Patrick Wineman
- Chaplain - Vacant
- Communications (MRO and CUL) – 2nd Lt James Gadsby/Maj Jamie Hutches
- Flight Line (FLS and FLM) – Maj Jamie Hutches/2d Lt David Mandrell
- Ground Team (GTL, GM, all levels) – Lt Col Tim Paquin
- sUAS – Capt Mark Trujillo
ORWG ES Program Area Support - 8/31/23
In our continuing efforts to facilitate and support the CAP Emergency Services program in Oregon Wing, the Wing ES staff is being expanded. I will be assigning staff to work with specific units in order to better meet the ES needs of those units. These additional assistant ES Directors that will be working with units will have these responsibilities:
- Promoting the ES program with their assigned units.
- Identifying ES training needs of their assigned units.
- Coordinating and facilitating wing sponsored training and exercises for their assigned units.
- Working with their assigned units ES officers to develop, expand, and maintain their unit ES programs.
- Assisting members within their assigned units with ES issues, questions, etc.
- Providing a “first stop” for ES assistance beyond the unit
Capt Nani Blyleven has transferred to Wing staff to accept an assignment as an Assistant ES Director position. Capt Blyleven will be working with these units; Eugene, Grants Pass, High Desert, Klamath Falls, and Medford.
- FEMA has developed for CAP use a new Web Based Image Uploader. This is a significant improvement from the previous APP based image uploader that has been used for the past years.
- ICL 21-04 to R 173-3 for FY23
- CAP Support to Wildland Firefighting - One pager document describing the kind of support CAP can provide to wildland firefighting efforts.
- CAP/CC Memo on Basic and Emergency First Aid 18JUN21
Handling CAP Member Reports of Actual ELT Signals
The following procedures should be followed in the event of an ORWG member becoming aware of or hearing an ELT signal on 121.5, or, for that manner, any of the actual ELT frequencies.
If airborne:
- Contact the nearest ATC center (typically Seattle) and make a report. If flying a CAP aircraft, make it clear that you are not assigned to track the signal and that your report should be processed like any other ELT PIREP.
- Contact the ORWG Duty Alerting Officer directly via CAP VHF radio or, upon landing, by phone using the alerting number (844) 679-4227) and provide a report to include your location, the presumed location of the ELT and any other pertinent information. Duty Alerting Officer Roster
If on the ground:
- If the report is second hand from someone else, encourage that individual to report the ELT signal to the FAA.
- Contact the ORWG Duty Alerting Officer directly, or by using the alerting number (844) 679-4227, and provide a report to include the location of the individual that has heard the ELT signal, the presumed location of the ELT, and any other pertinent information.
The ORWG Duty Alerting Officer will contact the Oregon SAR coordinator and relay the report. In the event that there is already an active ELT incident in Oregon, the Oregon SAR coordinator will incorporate this report as appropriate. Otherwise, the Oregon SAR coordinator can work with the AFRCC to initiate a mission for CAP to locate the signal.
Under no circumstances, may ORWG CAP personnel, as a CAP member, take any actions to locate and secure the signal until such time as ORWG has been assigned a mission for that activity. ORWG CAP personnel, acting as private citizens using their personnel equipment and transportation, may take any action as they so desire.
Scheduled Training and Exercise Events
Emergency Services Training Information |
Watch for announcements or view the wing calendar to confirm dates, locations, and times.
Login to Oregon Wing Office 365 account required to view.
Before the Ground Shakes Earthquake Preparedness Seminar
This outstanding session focused on helping our federal community ensure they are ready for the "big one" here in the Pacific NW. Please share widely, and if you were unable to attend the seminar, take an hour and watch the video. It may just save the life of you and those you love!
Presented by Ethos Preparedness Education.
“A 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake will be a disaster unlike anyone has ever seen.” - FEMA Region 10 administrator Ken Murphy. In order to achieve resilience, we must all contribute to our region's preparedness culture. Ethos aims to create an enduring conversation in your workplace and household.
This presentation includes:
- - The science and history of the Ring of Fire
- - “Drop/cover/hold-on” and other shaking scenarios
- - Securing household and office furniture
- - Tsunami preparedness and evacuation
- - The infrastructural impact of a major seismic event
- - Live review of kit contents, item by item
- - Creating a family preparedness plan
- - Igniting a preparedness movement in your community
Earthquake Preparedness Information
- ES Unit Planning
- Air and Ground Sortie Debriefing and Finances
- IMT Kit Contents
- ES Qualification Process - 6/30/21 - Slides Recorded Presentation
- Oregon Wing 2020 Wildfire Response Presentation - 4/28/21 - Slides Recorded presentation
ES Officer Orientation
ORWG Wing Conference ES Sessions
2024 Conference (joint conference with PCR
Link to Teams folder with session slides
2023 Conference
- ORWG Operations in Review slides recording (audio only)
- ORWG ES Training Funding slides recording
- ORWG ES Program slides recording
- Squadron Level ES and Ops​ Planning slides recording
2022 Conference
- ES Qualification Process Slides
2020 Conference
- ES Review Session
- IC Meeting
- Pilot and FRO Session
Emergency Services Links
- FEMA Image Uploader UPDATED Feb 2023
- FEMA Uploader Update Feb 2023
- FEMA Uploader Instructions
- FEMA Uploader Password RESTRICTED TO ICs
- Incident Information Flow Diagram
- Forms
- National Daily Mission SITREP Form (09/23/21) email to opscenter@capnhq.gov prior to 2000 Pacific Time with a subject line of "ORWG Daily SITREP missionno YYYYMMDD" Filename format should be ORWG-SITREP-missionno-YYYYMMDD.
- Mission Expense Receipt Form
- ICS Forms
- TRACS - Nationwide Wide ADS-B Aircraft Tracking System for CAP Aircraft
- ORWG IC Initial Response Job Aid
- ORWG Aircraft Information Table
- ORWG Incident Management TTPs
- ORWG Incident Typing Matrix
- CAP GIS Portal
- U.S. National Grid Information Center | Operational and SAR
- ShadeMap - Predict sun angles
- Oregon Hazard Information links
- ELT/SARSAT Information
- 406 beacon HEX code decoder (old version)
- 406 beacon HEX code decoder (current version)
- List of all beacons by TAC number
- US SARSAT Office Documents -
The first document, "USMCC National RCC and Search and Rescue...." gives in great and gory detail how to interpret the message that the US RCCs get from NOAA. Sometimes AFRCC will send you the actual message if you ask. The second document, "How to Locate Additional Information..." explains how to use the COSPAS-SARSAT decoders in the first two links.
- Acronyms and Glossaries
- CAPR 60-3 ES Training and Operational Missions
- NHQ Emergency Services Information
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
- HSEEP Exercise Types